Skip the hassle of paper order forms,
Order ahead of time before prom day and make it a breeze!
Just show up and give your name, snap your photo and enjoy!
Select from the Packages Below.
Note: Add-On items can be added only if a package is purchased.
1. After you choose which package you want,
scroll to the store items at the bottom.
2. Add each item you want to your cart.
3. Check out with your student's name!
Easy as 1, 2, 3!
Hollywood Package $50
(4) 8X10
(6) 5X7
(4) 4X5
(12) Wallets
Digital Image
Red Carpet Package $40
(2) 8x10
(4) 5x7
(2) 4x5
(8) Wallets
Add-On All Items:
(1) 8x10- $6
(1) 5x7- $4
(4) Wallets- $4
(1) Digital Image- $2o
Gold Package $30
(2) 8x10
(2) 5x7
(2) 4x5
(4) Wallets
Silver Package $20
(1) 8x10
(2) 5x7
(4) Wallets