Howdy Followers!
We have reached part 5! This is the final part before the final reveal of the finished product!
From this point on it was all down hill to finish the silo, but it seemed like we were running out of energy and gas in the tank. Raising a newborn, freshly married, and adjusting to our careers was a lot to do while trying to finish the house, which was the first one we have ever built. Bless my dad's heart for keeping us motivated and investing so much of his time and effort to pick up the pieces to get it finished. I don't know what we would have done without him in getting our house complete.
Being we were wrapping up the build, I began to slack on documenting the project because I got so excited to be done. So in this post I apologize for the lack of pictures ahead of time as details were left out.

At this point, we had several projects going on simultaneously and we would jump from one to another. Once all the cabinets were installed and blocked it was time to choose countertops. My husband and I walked through gorgeous slabs of granite, quartz, marble and ended up selecting a beautiful granite counter top to add to our new home. We hired a company from Albuquerque to install the countertops and the sink and it took precise measuring and a template had to be made several times to get the curvature of the silo. A custom shelf and cabinet was made by my father for the corner of the kitchen, which created me an area of open cabinet space for kitchen decor.
After the granite was installed, we were able to purchase our stainless steel appliances and I got to say that definitely made it look very much like a home. We were able to have cold waters (and for my husband, cold beers) while we worked.
Emiliana thoroughly was enjoying seeing the light at the end of the tunnel as she saw the final pieces coming together in her home and she was not crawling and walking around in a danger zone. The fireplace was completed beautifully by our friend who we subcontracted and our propane insert and television was installed for the final touches that made up our fireplace. The barn door that my sister made for us was hung on the bathroom, our booth style seating for the kitchen table was inserted and I had the cushion upholstered. The beautiful custom made oak stair treads were placed while the curved handrail and balusters were installed to complete the staircase.
If we reflect on Part I hated the color of my walls, well I immediately took that back once I saw the finish work come together. With the inside coming along, there was one final aspect that had to be completed and that was putting in the septic tank. It was a lengthy process as the bobcat and backhoe could not bust through the bedrock that we live on top of. My husband and father spent hours and days utilizing a jack hammer, chipping piece by piece to get deep enough. Once again, through perseverance they were able to get the hole deep enough and we purchased our septic system from BTU to be delivered.
The electrical lines were in, the water lines were in, the septic system in place and propane lines installed. It was all coming together on the outside and the inside details began to get wrapped up. The final area on the inside that had to come together was the bathroom, which we managed to push off to the very end.
We kept the same tile throughout the home and a custom shower pan had to be poured because of the unique shape of the shower. Once all the trenches were covered on the outside, we could finally prepare to pour our wrap-around porch slab that would be an 8ft skirting around the entire home. Once the porch slab is complete will be a full wrap around porch.
Slowly but surely, furniture was starting to move in, but we would have to wait for final inspection in order to go any further. And with that, I will bring you Part 6 where I will reveal the final project (minus a few things that we will continue to improve on).
